Self Worth: Honoring the value of you!

"Unconditional Human Worth means you are important and valuable as a person because your essential core self is unique, precious of infinite, eternal, unchanging value, and good.  Unconditional human worth implies that you are as precious as any other person.   ~ Glenn Shiraldi

This quote is from the Self-Esteem Workbook, which is a book I dove into a few weeks ago. Growing up as a dancer and working in the entertainment industry can be an extremely self-critical environment to surround oneself in.  It causes you to look at yourself from all angles and even from the eyes of others around you.  Inspirational quotes sure do help and yoga certainly does create a space of acceptance, however I wanted to learn a little more about self-esteem, how it gets drained and how it can be replenished.  I would like to share with you a bit of wisdom I have encountered in this workbook so far starting with your core worth.  

The core of something is the center, the foundation, the pit, the inside, etc.  Think of things associated with core...core values, apple core, the expression "the core of the problem."  It is the center most part, the essence of the individual, whether person, fruit, or idea.  The core is unchanging and unaffected by its surroundings.  We as humans are all born with this core and exists within everyone.  

Everything outside the core is an external factor i.e, career, financial situation, physical appearance, talents, handicaps, religion, relationship status, gender, experience, etc. These factors can change, fluctuate, be abundant or deficient, increase, decrease, etc.  No matter what your externals are your core is constant and true.  

On the outside a person may be physically fit, attractive, happily married, with a successful career.  Lets say one day the person gets divorced, gains weight, and loses their job.  All the externals changed but the core of the person remains the same.  You do not have less self-worth is your life doesn't look so good on the outside or vice versa.  It may feel that way sometimes when life is getting you may even say to yourself that you don't matter.  That is all just your perception.  You know that deep down inside you are good, worthy, and strong.  Just cause there was a shift on your outside circumstances, does not mean your core shifts.  Nope that stays the same!  

Political leaders, celebrities, gurus, even members of the royal family do not have any more human worth than anyone else.  Not you, a child, a homeless person, an executive, a fast food employee, etc. Each one of us has the same amount of worth and that worth is immeasurable.  

So how worthy are you?  INFINITELY WORTHY!!!

Happy day and Namaste,


  1. My gut tells me that the core is ever changing but my experience with conflicted egos tells otherwise. Terms such as '' identity crisis" and '' ego distortion" prove your "core" point. Stay true to your core Julie!


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