What age do you feel?
I recently stumbled upon a question on a website dedicated to questions to ponder and the first one caught my eye.
" How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?" It spoke to me because I celebrated my 30th birthday on sunday, which is usually a year that people recognize as a move into serious adulthood. Your 20's incorporate some milestone years and experiences, such as turning 21, graduating college, getting a job, perhaps marriage, etc. It's funny how more people asked me this year than any other year, "How do you feel now that you are 30?" As if the day you turn 30, you all of a sudden should miraculously feel your bones start to ache, the gray hairs, that one step closer to 40, and other negative characteristics. This is why the question of "How old would you be if you didnt know how old you are" intrigued me so much...
Well to answer the question, just a few days days after I turned 30, I still feel the same as when I was 29 (oh so long ago)! I am healthy, youthful, learning, living, and feeling radiant. Yoga has been a great gift in keeping a youthful, energetic spirit...no wonder why all the wise yogis who are in their 80's and above maintain their glow. They encourage us to celebrate life in the present moment...if we live life in the past then we are regressing and immaturing ourselves..if we live life in the future we are aging ourselves. It is certainly true we are not getting any younger with time, but we are also not getting any older either, so why not enjoy life as it unfolds before you.
You can be 22 and feel like a 40 year old, you can be a 40 year old and feel a 22 year old. It is your perception of yourself that makes you younger or older. And hey who is to say we need to feel the same age all the time. Have you walked into Toys R Us recently? I know when i walk in there i feel as if I am 7 year old Julie again, looking down the isle of pretend food that I can make in my pretend kitchen. It's great to have those days! Maturity and professionalism is part of being an adult and it is intellectually stimulating to live in those years. Personally, I spend most of my days working for Disney and allowing my inner child to play, but other days I am teaching yoga when I allow my knowledge guide to shine.
My message to you is that age truly is a number. No matter what numerical age you are, live a life that is full, content, abundant, gracious, and in the present! You are amazing whether younger/older, child/adult.
Thanks for reading! Go out and play!
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