Summer "Soul"stice/Happy Father's Day 90 min Flow
90 min FLOW WITH
JUNE 21TH 10:30am-12 (studio 1)
In honor of the
longest day of the year on June 21st, we will welcome in the summer with a
celebratory “soul”stice flow class. Coincidentally this year’s solstice is
shared with Father’s Day, which makes it an even more special day. The
summer solstice is an auspicious time to honor the sun and the light within
ourselves. It marks the peak of solar energy and is a time to reflect
upon our journey from the winter solstice, as well as set intentions for the
upcoming months. In our soulful flow we will connect with our light
through 54 rounds of sun salutations, both traditional and creative, and wind
down the practice with yin poses, meditation, and relaxation.
Specialty Class
Fee: $20 (a portion of the proceeds will
be donated to
Off the Mat into
the World)
Register in
person or at
"One learns from the perfect discipline of the sun and solar
system." Patanjali's Yoga Sutras 3.26
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