The Moonlit Self
I write this to you underneath the glowing full moon, whose brightness is the inspiration behind this post. The moon itself is just one element in nature, it is a single element. We do not have 4,5, 6, 7,etc moons shining on us to get more light, instead we have just one that gives us all that we need. When the moon is covered by clouds, the world is a bit darker. We, as beings, are the same way....
We each exist as a single self, and this single self is all we get. Just as we can't manufacture another moon, we cannot manufacture another unique self. You see how the single moon lights up the sky? Well each of us can do that too. We all have that infinite amount of light inside, that glow, that magnificence, that splendid beauty that no words can truly convey our life's potency. The moon doesn't ask to have more, it doesn't judge itself when it is only a quarter of itself, it doesn't even get upset when there are clouds that cover it up because it is still doing it's duty behind the clouds.
This glow we have is the energy inside ourselves, which can't be seen, but can be expressed. We have days where we can feel the vibrancy of our energy being radiated out, there are also days where we can feel the lack of our inner glow and almost feel like we are a quarter of our true selves. Remember, the moon doesn't judge when its not in its fullest light, or when clouds stand in its way. In the same way, we should not judge ourselves on the days where we feel less radiant or when the clouds of life darken our skies. It surrenders to whatever is going on and lets the darkness pass. The awesome news is that even when we feel the most dim and there is a storm with layers of storm clouds, the light we have is not out completely. It's still there working. ..even when we don't see or feel it. The moon will still shine whether it is a clear, cloudless night, and when it is a dark stormy night.
On the flip side...
Do you see how the brightness of a full moon can light up its entire surroundings? You don't need to look up to see if the moon is out because its light is so radiant it feels like a cool daylight. And we as beings experience this. When you feel your life is so abundant that you cannot contain your light just to yourself, but it illuminates others around you. It touches those you know, and those you don't know because your energetic glow can be felt. This is our full moon. We have these experiences where there is not a cloud in our life sky, that everything is clear, and we are standing in our most radiant selves. Let yourself be expansive and be the light.
As the quote on my yogi tea says,
Namaste and blessings to you friends!
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