I am not a number and neither are you!

Let’s face it, does anyone really like stepping on a scale? I never met someone who finds this a positive experience. Yet when you go to the doctor you don’t have a choice. If you followed by National Eating Disorder week posts a few months ago you can imagine why this is a sensitive subject. Back in my ED days I would weigh myself everyday and freak out if the scale gave me a number that was above the day before. I saw the low numbers as an accomplishment and prided myself that I was 103 and dropping. Well clearly some time has gone by and I’ve been up and down the scale numerous times. Today I had to step on the scale due to visiting the doctor for a terrible sinus infection and let’s just say I was not pleased to see the number. I have been titled by many the “ workout queen” due to my lengthy workouts each day. I’ve been lifting heavier and know in my head that I’m gaining muscle but to see the number the highest it’s been in a few years felt like someone was sl...