Planting Seeds of Intention

"The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn." Ralph Waldo Emerson It has been quite some time since I have written a blog entry and I was inspired to write one on this beautiful sunny day. The subject of this blog is one of my favorites to talk about in yoga classes, as seed planting and caring for those seeds is a metaphor for our life's intentions, goals, aspirations, etc. Looking at a tiny seed, we see that most seeds are somewhat similar in size, all small to start, however there is a copious amount of sizes these seeds will transform into. This tiny seed may manifest into a small flower or the tiny seed may be manifested as a huge tree. Our intentions may start itself out as a single thought inside our heads that can manifest into a small, short term goal, or the intention may manifest itself into a life long dream. No matter what kind of seed we choose to plant, it is important to realize that all of the ingredients to make...