Being Here Fully

Being Here Fully After my visit home to Long Island this past weekend, I have been reminded of the simple joys of spending time with family and friends. Connecting in a way that is much more gratifying than any electronic form of communication will lend itself to. To be completely engaged without having to look at a computer screen, phone, nook, ipod, etc. It seems like such a simple concept, to spend face to face time with one another and not virtual time, but one we need to truly value much more frequently. It is so refreshing to be in conversation with friends and family and not having a single person look down at their phone, even just for a brief period of time. How often do you see groups of friends or a family all sitting together physically, but not engaged presently with one another because half/all of the group is glancing at their phones? More often than not this is what you see. We all do it, and I am guilty as well, but ...