Happy Yogic Anniversary! 8 years along the Teaching Path

This photo was taken at the first studio I ever taught in 8 years ago. I was fresh out of my 200 hour yoga teacher training and at the very beginning of yogic journey as a guide. This blog is dedicated to the path I have followed for the past 8 years including the successes, trial and errors, challenges, wise and not so wise moments, and memories of the fellow yogis I've met along the way... (ps this is very much a free-write/unedited blog entry...no judgements)... Many people ask me what made me want to be a yoga teacher? Well, as a dance major in college I noticed how many of my modern dance teachers would start with a warm up that wasn't necessarily "dance based," but more movement based with these held stretches in between. At the time I didn't realize they were yoga poses, but the more I practiced this for a few minutes a day the more I liked it. Then when taking a 3 month summer dance intensive in Massachusetts we had yoga two times ...